I LOVE a good bookI LOATHE when I finish it and want to know more I LOVE summer weatherI LOATHE ants, specifically when they are in my house, and I don’t know where they came from I LOVE my dog!!!I LOATHE doggy bath time I LOVE being a motherI LOATHE making decisions about dinner every…… Continue reading LOVE and LOATHE

Categorized as Janette

An open letter to you.

Reflecting. Been slicing for a MONTH now. And I wonder what made this different than, say, a 30 day water drinking challenge?! Now that I’m here, I’m noticing that I haven’t written in a LONG time. And it feels good. Also, I’m really random. Also also, I was vulnerable and posted some of my slices…… Continue reading An open letter to you.

Categorized as Janette

And today, we rebel

15 and I were rebels today, while out shopping. We’ve been conditioned to go with the flow. To buy what we’ve always bought (or had bought for us). And never question it. Well tonight, we questioned it.We bought men’s deodorant.Have you ever wondered what Alpine Splash smells like? Or Wanderlust? Or Arctic Rush? Women’s deodorant…… Continue reading And today, we rebel

Categorized as Janette

Me vs. My Body

My Body: Good Morning! We should hydrate.Me: YUMMY HOT BEAN WATER TO WAKE UP WITHMy Body: Yeah, ok, but we need waterMe: ooooh, Iced and flavored bean water to get me thru the morning!My Body: Hey, so if you don’t want this headache, I’d have some high quality H2O pretty soon here…Me: Hmm, maybe some…… Continue reading Me vs. My Body

Categorized as Janette

Roller Coaster…

Of emotions… Calm, peace, determination Boredom, anxious, impressed motivated, depleted, caffeinated worried, fearful, breeeeeeathe Rushed, sleepy, checked out calm, peace, determination Rest.

Planting for harvest

We typically map out our container garden during spring break week and start our seedlings inside. We are behind the 8-ball this year, and I’d like to officially blame the weather, because that is easier than blaming myself =) My kids were little when we started this activity, I read somewhere that kids were more…… Continue reading Planting for harvest

Categorized as Janette

Deacon: a haiku

Sometimes I wonder About the thoughts of my dog When I leave the room.

Categorized as Janette

Self care

What does self care look like? Depends on the day. Sometimes self care is a long walk with no real destination. Sometimes, waking up a wee bit earlier to have a cup of coffee and watch the sun rise. (These times are rare!) Sometimes it’s talking on the phone, yes actually voice to voice, to…… Continue reading Self care

Categorized as Janette


Signs and sounds of Spring, as told by Kinderlings. “EW! WORMS!””Oooohhhh worms!””Don’t touch it!””Yes touch it. Keep it alive!””Throw it in the grass””Look how it makes a S when it wriggles””This one made a U””ooOOOOoooo….””DO. NOT. STEP. ON. THE. WORMS. Don’t do it.””Mrs. Ortiz, why are there worms?””Do worms poop?””Ew…worm poop””What if it poops on…… Continue reading Wormsssss

Categorized as Janette

March (book) Madness

I am not as into basketball as I used to be. The past few years, I’ve seen brackets for everything from Disney movies to cereal flavors. And I participate in them! Once got into a heated discussion over R&B groups (#TeamBoyzIIMen), but I”ll post about that another time. The point of THIS post is to…… Continue reading March (book) Madness

Categorized as Janette