
This month has me considering a lot about voice. I pushed myself to find my writer’s voice. While you can hear my voice in my words, sometimes I’m able to share a different perspective on paper than what I might convey verbally and vice versa. My voice includes humor, reflections, considerations, assurances, and challenges. However,…… Continue reading Voice


Do you ever find yourself watching a kids show on your own at night just because you want to see it uninterrupted? No? Just me? I must have a bad case of FOMO because I cannot stand to “miss out” on something others have. Those new episodes of Bluey? I could probably recite them to…… Continue reading Parenting

Childhood Dreams

I’ll take you back to my childhood where I was deprived of a living pet. (Yes- that is resentment you hear in those words). If you recall, after years of letter writing, hoping, and praying- I received a robotic fish for my birthday one year. Talk about disappointment. My mom still thinks it was an…… Continue reading Childhood Dreams

Good Enough

Writer’s block continues to plague me. I have so many words, thoughts, feelings. Yet- my page is blank. I tell my students who cannot think of an idea to write about not knowing what to write about. So, I decided to take my own advice. It might not be the best piece, or my funniest.…… Continue reading Good Enough

Did I lock the door?

Day 27 of the March Slice of Life Challenge hosted by theTwo Writing Teachers! #SOL24 I feel like my brain never turns offNot at schoolNot in the carNot when I’m taking my dogs for a walkNot when I’m standing in the showerNot when my kids are telling me about their daysNot even when I’m lying…… Continue reading Did I lock the door?

Categorized as Krista

Early Relationships

One day after school my youngest busts open the school doors at afterschool pick up and loudly announces, “I have a girlfriend!” “Woah! What does that look like?” “Just the one, mom.” “Well that’s good. It’s best to be faithful to one at a time.” At this point the dad who was also standing there…… Continue reading Early Relationships

“Helping” Hands

I asked my son to pull the items under the couch. I could see a ball and a sock. He said, “There was also a goldfish cracker. Don’t worry, I threw it back under.” …hmm…thanks. Let’s put that in the trash can instead?

Tricks & Treats

Day 24 of the March Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers! #SOL24 My seven year old was determined to help Piper become an expert jumper like her sister, Izzy. With peanut butter treats in hand, she successfully taught our Miniature Schnauzer how to jump! My legs are too little, I can’t…… Continue reading Tricks & Treats

Categorized as Krista

6 Word Car Ride

A 3 hour car ride summed up in 6 words… One Eras tour and many snacks. (Always the snacks)