What Don’t You Understand About Adults?

Today’s “Tell Us Tuesday” morning meeting prompt inspired my slice for today. I “ask good questions” or so my students tell me… I smiled as I watched their reactions reading the question on the screen. Little eyes above masked nervous smiles caught each other’s gaze. Giggles erupted.

“What do you not understand about adults?”

– “Why don’t they watch more cartoons?”

– “Why do they work so much?”

-“Why don’t they play outside more? Like you know, slide down a slide on their bellies or roll down a hill and get a little muddy?”

-“Why are they so bossy?”

-“Why do they get to stay up later than kids?

-“Why do they have so much screen time on their phones but yell at kids for too much?”

-“Why do they have cigarettes if they know they’re bad and smoke them even though it hurts them?”

-“Why do they tell their kids they don’t have any money and then when you see their wallets, they have so much money?”

-“Why doesn’t my mom go in the pool during the summer?”

From the mouths of babes.

Slice of LIfePart of Slice of Life by Two Writing Teachers March Slice a Day Challenge! I’m slicing every day this month. Thanks for stopping by


  1. What fun, to read what these little ones said! My favorite is this one: “Why don’t they play outside more? Like you know, slide down a slide on their bellies or roll down a hill and get a little muddy?” And I love this description of them: “Little eyes above masked nervous smiles caught each other’s gaze. Giggles erupted.”


  2. I don’t know what grade you teach, but I desperately want to try this with my 10th graders LOL. This is such a brilliant idea, thank you for sharing!


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