Decision Fatigue

Decisions can be tricky.

Sometimes you don’t know-

What to pick,

Where to go,

What to do,

How to do it,

Who do it with,

Decision fatigue is real.

I felt it most during the height of the pandemic-

Is it safe?

Is it okay?

Do we go?

Do we stay?

What do I believe?

Who do I believe?

Can we trust it?

I still feel this fatigue daily.

Being a teacher means I make a lot of decisions in a given day.

I also help my students feel control by giving them choices so they can make a decision.

Which means I need to decide what choices to give…

It’s an endless cycle.

Also- no one told me that the worst part of being an adult is needing to decide what’s for dinner every.single.night.

I mean it’s one thing to decide for myself or even for my partner, but when you have kids there is a bit more thought that needs to go into it-

Will they eat it?

Is it healthy enough?

Is it too hot?

Did I cut it the wrong way?

Is it touching the other food?

Am I repeating this too quickly?

How long will it take to make?

Do I have the ingredients?

Ugh- decisions are the worst. I’m tapped out by the end of the day. I wait all day just to sit down and not have to decide anything. Just be.

Then I remembered, I need to decide what to slice about today.

And so the cycle continues…

By Kessick


1 comment

  1. I love your series of decisions, those in real life, those you worry about, and always, in March, what to slice about. All those questions, the uncertainty, and always the necessity of deciding. I especially liked this line: “Also- no one told me that the worst part of being an adult is needing to decide what’s for dinner every.single.night.”


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