Six Word Failure

Day 18 of the March Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers! #SOL24

Lately, writing has been too hard.
So, I have been avoiding it.
Does this mean Iā€™m a failure?

Categorized as Krista

By kristasjots

Reader. Writer. Teacher. Singer of Random Tunes. Lover of Jokes, Doodling, & Flair Pens.


  1. NOOOO, it totally does not. But I definitely know what you mean and how you feel šŸ˜ž I’ve been unmotivated and discouraged to write…at all. It hit about halfway through the challenge. Hopefully we get into the spirit again? Here’s to us – to commiting and to struggling and to writing every day anyway.


  2. Nice meeting you. I would say that you used the the six-word format so your poem is not a failure. I started writing my thoughts early today but had to GrandmaSit for my grandbaby who had pink eye. By the time, I returned home, I feel asleep and jumped up at 11:00 pm. Time was of the essence and I still ended up just sliding in before the clock struck 12.

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  3. You aren’t a failure; writing is work; the struggle is real…all those adages apply. The thing is, honesty is a way we connect with each other and a way to feel what any writer feels. See, you’re a writer?! You showed up today, for sure.

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