I’ve always been a singer… of random tunes

I’ve always been a singer of random tunes
Like this morning when I chose to wear jeans instead of a dress
And I made my way out of our bedroom singing
I haven’t shaved my legs in a really long timeeeee
I was really getting into my jam when I walked into the kitchen
And ran into my mother in law
She did not acknowledge my song
But I did acknowledge how thankful I was for her help today

Happy 31st day of slicing!
Happy 9 years in total!
Happy year 2 of slicing for a real audience!

Categorized as Krista

By kristasjots

Reader. Writer. Teacher. Singer of Random Tunes. Lover of Jokes, Doodling, & Flair Pens.


  1. I’m glad you decided to slice for a real audience this year! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. I hope your mother-in-law didn’t completely stop your jam. It sounds like a fun way to start the day.


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