Swimsuit Shopping

Swimsuit shopping makes me want to poke my eyes out
I despise it
This year I’ve decided to shop online
I’m not sure it’s the best approach
But it’s the approach I’ve decided upon

Swimsuit shopping makes me sigh heavy sighs
I waste so much time checking reviews
And putting swimsuits into my cart
Only to delete them later

Swimsuit shopping makes me cringe
And wish for a different kind of body
And the guts to try something new

Swimsuit shopping makes me anxious
And annoyed all at the same time

Swimsuit shopping is the worst.

I’m participating in the daily March Slice of Life Challenge #SOL22 by Two Writing Teachers! Today is day 20!

Categorized as Krista

By kristasjots

Reader. Writer. Teacher. Singer of Random Tunes. Lover of Jokes, Doodling, & Flair Pens.


  1. I ordered (and returned) 13 different ones on amazon last year since you couldn’t use the store fitting rooms. The worst. best of luck!


  2. I so agree with you! I try to avoid this as much as possible. In fact, I’ve been known to wait until the elastic no longer is elastic, before I shop for a new suit. Thanks for sharing!


  3. I love that subtle rhyme between “eyes” and “sighs”, and also the progression from deciding not to go shopping in person to not liking shopping online to realizing it’s a bigger issue than the shopping. Funny, and not funny both.


  4. Such a universal topic! In an unbelievable stroke of good luck, I ordered a tankini set online after reading every review available, and both top and bottom were perfect. Shocking. I proceeded to order another one in the same size, so now I will not have to search for years.Hurray. Cute post.


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