Phone Struggles

I am blogging each day of March for Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Story Challenge.

Day 18 Phone Struggles

Do you have elementary kids with cell phones? Not just an ordinary flip phone, but a smartphone? One of my fourth graders got one for Christmas. If you had asked me to pick which kids should not have a phone on him, he would be one of the top two. 

Our general rule is cell phones stay in the backpack. That doesn’t work so well when the backpacks have to sit on the floor right next to them. Since he’s gotten this cell phone, he has used it to text home to ask to be picked up. (Don’t get me started on this one.) He’s had it out in his lap, playing with it. Yesterday he walked the bus loop wearing his headphones and listening to music. I had earlier told him to put it in his backpack and leave it there. When I saw the headphones I reiterated that the phone needs to stay in his backpack. He told me he likes to listen to music. Look, I get that. I listen to music at times, too. (And, there are times I would like to, but don’t. I think the 10 minutes we spend walking and talking are not a time where a phone is needed.) I repeated that phones are to stay in the backpack. He then proceeded to tell me that one of the specials teachers lets them listen to music. Yes, they might, but not on a smartphone.

Today it was out in his lap again. Sigh.

Might be time to email home again.


Categorized as Linda

By Greg&Linda

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  1. I can totally relate – the phone is one of the biggest issues in middle school. Thanks for sharing this struggle –


  2. wasn’t me!! I too am surprised by how many elementary kids are flashing their phones at school. I mean, they already all are equipped with a distraction machine (chromebook) all day long! Perhaps it is time to spotlight one special backpack for the hallway hooks?!!


  3. My grade partner confiscated one today in 7th grade. The kids have been told repeatedly that the phones need to be in backpacks. The phones are not needed at school!


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