A slice of shamrocks part 2

Last week I shared a snippet about a childhood memory of shamrock name tags and how I have recreated this bit o’ fun for my students and teachers over the years. Tomorrow, I won’t be passing out those shamrock name tags. After personal reflection and important conversations with colleagues, I’m shifting gears to find another way to bring joy to our school community tomorrow. I don’t think I’m quite in a place to write at length about that decision and all that went into it. I’m selfishly mourning my beloved tradition and hope it will live in my heart as a cherished memory (and hopefully in the hearts of others, too)!

Slice of LIfePart of Slice of Life by Two Writing Teachers March Slice a Day Challenge! I’m slicing every day this month. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Many of us are rethinking so many of our books, traditions, and comments as our awareness of the impact on others is highlighted.
    Today, I read Kevin Henkes’s Chrysanthemum and noticed the insensitive comments of children in the book were more accurately bullying….sigh…I won’t likely be using it again unless that is specifically part of the lesson.
    There are many other ways to spread cheer – smiles and acts of kindness.


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