What’s the date today?

I am blogging each day in March for Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Story Challenge

Day 14 What’s the date today?

I promised myself I would not just write about the hard. I could also write about the light, the fun, the happy. Let’s see if I can do that…

So today I’m going to write about dates. Today is March 14th. I like the 14th, and here’s why. It was August 14th a couple years ago that I went on a first date. I was nervous – I mean, who isn’t nervous on a first date? And to be clear, this was two years after a divorce, so this was a first date with me in my fifties. We met at a restaurant, and ended up talking for quite a long time while we had dinner.

By the way, I knew not to order pasta (especially spaghetti), but I didn’t know that salads could be tricky, too. The nice, neat salad I had wanted to order was not available so I ended up with a different one. A huge one. A there’s-no-way-I-can-eat-all-of-this salad. A handful of times I ended up with lettuce sticking out of my mouth. Luckily he didn’t seem to mind. How do I know? We decided to meet again.

By the way, my oldest son gave me the following dating advice. (Wait, isn’t that just a weird sentence?? But true!) “Go on a first date to see if you want to go on a second. Go on the second to see if you want to go on a third. If you make it to the third, then you decide if you want to keep going or not.” Good advice. So that particular August 14th led to many more dates, and eventually marriage. 

So needless to say, I am grateful for each 14th I pass.


Categorized as Linda

By Greg&Linda

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  1. I often find certain dates are interesting anniversaries – even ones I sometimes don’t want to remember! Thank you for sharing this. It feels brave to me. I can feel the subtext of emotion. Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So many good things here! I especially like the detail of avoiding the spaghetti only to keep having lettuce hanging out. And the funny sentence about your son’s advice. But I agree, he is so very wise! I’m so glad you found this life partner. Maybe your post will give encouragement to others.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I appreciate how you shared about this date (two people meeting and spending time together, in your case, for a meal) and about the date (on a calendar). You inspire by sharing your honesty and your son’s advise is good advise to follow. Thanks for sharing!


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