A slice of discipline (the good kind)

It is absolutely freezing outside. I wouldn’t have gone for a short walk but I’ve become addicted to closing the rings on my Apple watch! There are worse things to which I could be addicted. Since December 28, I’ve been working on healthier eating and exercising. I’m happy to report it’s going super well!  

Our fabulous instructional coach and I led our teachers in a ‘One Little Word’ activity for 2021 back in January. I chose ‘discipline’ (the good kind). This past week we reflected on our chosen words to see if we wanted to make a change or keep them, and I’m keeping mine. Now I’m in a writing challenge…I need to keep the discipline going!

That being said, it’s super cold outside, and my legs are still a bit numb, but the rings are closed! And this post is complete.

Slice of LIfePart of Slice of Life by Two Writing Teachers March Slice a Day Challenge! I’m slicing every day this month. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Woo go you!! I love the idea of choosing a word, especially with friends (I need that accountability). I also loved the way you closed your slice. Indeed, true discipline!


  2. Go you! I love how you are looking at the word, discipline. It really is all about perspective! You’ve also inspired me to look for my Apple Watch. I left it on my table the other day and it went missing… I think my cat hid it from me. He’s out to get me I swear!! But I’m also tired of feeling silly for looking at my naked wrist for the time!


  3. Your post had me thinking I could have written this! I am an instructional coach and I led my staff in a One Word activity and we just reflected yesterday. 🙂 Good for you for having the discipline to stick with your goals!


  4. Go you!
    Can we make some ring app for slicing? That would help the motivation! Please keep writing about your discipline … I need tips!
    (and man, it sounds like you have an AWESOME instructional coach.)


  5. I, too, have become addicted to attaining at least 10,000 steps a day, and also keep checking my iphone. (I don’t have an apple watch.) I, too, have taken many freezing cold walks as a result. It is great to commit to healthy exercise and eating, and now writing. Kudos to you.


  6. I like the idea of the good kind of discipline. I think that’s a great word to have for the year. I might use that when I finally feel I can move on from gratitude. But that might take a while yet. It sounds like you are rocking your job (and your rings)!


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